While Mr. Ramdoss has taken in to account the general well being of the nation, he has unfortunately forgotten to think about the plight of people who live their lives on depending on and misinterpreting to convenience, certain laws like this. These people are also known as the Moral Police. Moral police may be policemen or any body else who has the right to hit any body whoever he or she believes is not behaving according the moral/cultural values of the country. Now, you cannot ask me where these laws are written or who governs these. You can decide these laws on your own and beat anybody you feel like. All you need is a group of people who are jobless enough to join your jobless act and there are quite a few in India.
Anyways, this blog is not for me to explain how moral policing works but to help all of you understand the problems that the moral police are going to face just because we were concerned about the general well being of the country as against the specific well being of these people.
So, here is a scene that happens in a public park. There are few benches in the park and enter, the moral police (let us say a group of 5). Few benches where couples (man and woman) are sitting and talking. The others has 2 or more people of the same gender sitting and talking.
As of today i.e. with the law being there, the people who entered would go and harass the man and woman couples for misbehaving in a public place, beat them up and curse them till either the police intervene and take them away or the group (moral police) have had enough fun for the day.
When the law is repealed, the same park, same people. The group naturally suspects the man and woman couples.
- But the couple say that they should not harass only them since the 2 guys sitting in the next bench could be homosexuals since they are sitting as close as this couple are. So the moral police has to act against them too.
- The guys in the bench say that the 3 women sitting in the next bench could be homosexuals and the group has to harass them too.
- The women in the next bench get upset and ask the moral police to prove that they are not a group of homosexuals since they have all come together into the park.
Did anybody think of the gravity of this problem before thinking of repealing this section. We are creating a circular reference problem here just by correcting a law for the common good of people. Even the policemen cannot come together and harass a couple (man-woman or man-man or woman-woman) since if the policemen come together they have to prove that they are not a couple who came to the park to misbehave.
Gosh! I can keep writing on the impact of removing this article, on the entire society. It is natural in India for friends to put hands around the shoulders and talk. Women to hold each others hands and talk. Now all these have to be eyed with suspicion by the moral police and police. Maintaining Indian culture anywhere in public will be very difficult and now, the tables turn to the moral police to prove themselves innocent too.
Boy, oh boy!!! what are we getting ourselves in to?. Should we really eradicate AIDS by creating such a difficulty to all the guardian angels of the country's cultural values. Well, I guess some smart person in the moral police would have the answer. Any thoughts, anybody?