Sunday, November 23, 2008

Tongue Wagging – Australian For Defeat

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There have been quite a few news articles about Australian cricketers that, according to me, were quite funny.

1) Ricky Ponting complaining about the former players behavior and because they behaved bad, they cannot criticize his behavior.

2) Mathew Hayden complaining about the facilities in India after he went back to Australia.

3) Funniest of all, Symmonds takes to drinking because he was disappointed that Cricket Australia did not support him enough in the “Monkey Gate” incident.

Disgrace! You jokers!! Its a shame that you guys cannot take a defeat gracefully. How disappointing.

Yes, the media has been unnecessarily harsh on the Australians questioning their capabilities of being world leaders in cricket. But, none of these is reason enough for them to talk nonsense like this.

Symmonds!  He must be a really silly guy. Someone who takes to drinking for a silly incident that he should have thrown off his mind and let his bat do the talking goes binging. Look at his massive figure and what he talks, you would end up laughing for an hour.

The next huge figure, Mathew Hayden. Despite getting a special assistance from Assistant coach Greg Chappell and a very special treatment from the Rajastan Cricket Acadamy, despite getting additional facilities for practice, despite his captain publicly admitting in one of the post-match ceremonies that the hospitality in India has been wonderful, he goes back and calls India, a Third World country because someone stood in front of the sight screen.  If that person has not stood in front of the sight screen for a few seconds, Australians would have won the test series 3-0. Gentleman! if you cannot accept defeat gracefully and bounce back with your game, you are Third Rate!!! We hope you are not one.

Ponting, one of world cricket’s best captains. This must be a joke. It just took 2 players to retire to prove that he was not one. He has been talking too much non-sense. He once sarcastically said, “A third test match may not be required!”. It turned out to be true, Australians lost the first two.

Great going Aussie boys. We are learning the Aussie Language everyday. Now we know “Tongues Wagging”  means Australian for defeat.

A Melifluous Morning….Well, almost!

Its 6:15 AM in the morning. I am standing in my balcony with my cup of tea, biscuits and a good book. The weather is just perfect. Its gloomy, not warm, not cold, the right amount of chill in the breeze and the gentle breeze that touches you every few seconds and makes the skin feel Goosebumps.

The crickets or whatever insects are hissing like kinder garden kids in the last bench whispering to each other in the presence of a teacher. The birds have starting tuning up and are slowly starting their orchestra. Each bird has a unique sound. One whistling, one cooing, one crowing, one sounding like a flute. A couple of women are going for a walk. The sound of their heals going “churk” “churk”. At a distance, I thought I could faintly hear Skanda Shashit Kavasam, a tamil religious song. I am not sure if the song was my imagination. But, in all, the sounds were slowly coming together to make a perfect symphony.

My mind waking up slowly enjoying the morning raga. Ah! the freshness of a beautiful morning.

The dogs started barking at a distance and then it happened. A van that came in to the EMPTY street but the fricking driver blaring the darn horn putting a full stop to the crickets, birds and every sound of nature. The peace in me vanished and my mind started foul mouthing that Ba*****. It just took a couple of seconds for that fool to spoil the happiness of so many souls.

Damn the dogs and God Damn the stupid, brainless human beings that cannot, for a moment, enjoy the beauty that is all around them. As Calvin says “The surest sign that intelligent life exists outside earth, is that they never tried to contact us”. True! I guess all the intelligent life exists outside the earth. Mother Earth! you are an unfortunate soul!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Hindi films come off age

Finally, I am beginning to see some sensible cinema in Bollywood. From the same old boring, illogical crap that has dominated the Bollywood movie scene, there has been some refreshing change.

Thanks to the young minds in bollywood that have decided not to follow the "Super Stars" crap with Sharukh, Amitabh, Abhishek etc. and doing some sensible stuff. It was so good to watch

1) Mumbai Meri Jaan

2) A Wednesday

Neither movies with the so called super stars and extremely sensible. I hope the trend continues and films get better and better.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Section 377 - Homosexual Law and Moral Policing

On the 9th of August 2008, Dr Anbumani Ramdoss, the honorable health minister of India had said that Section 377 which makes homosexuality a crime in India should be removed. His intention - AIDS is becoming a big threat for India; suppression seems only to increase the problem. Kudos Mr. Ramdoss, it is a good approach to solve a problem that is gravely threatening the country.

While Mr. Ramdoss has taken in to account the general well being of the nation, he has unfortunately forgotten to think about the plight of people who live their lives on depending on and misinterpreting to convenience, certain laws like this. These people are also known as the Moral Police. Moral police may be policemen or any body else who has the right to hit any body whoever he or she believes is not behaving according the moral/cultural values of the country. Now, you cannot ask me where these laws are written or who governs these. You can decide these laws on your own and beat anybody you feel like. All you need is a group of people who are jobless enough to join your jobless act and there are quite a few in India.

Anyways, this blog is not for me to explain how moral policing works but to help all of you understand the problems that the moral police are going to face just because we were concerned about the general well being of the country as against the specific well being of these people.

So, here is a scene that happens in a public park. There are few benches in the park and enter, the moral police (let us say a group of 5). Few benches where couples (man and woman) are sitting and talking. The others has 2 or more people of the same gender sitting and talking.

As of today i.e. with the law being there, the people who entered would go and harass the man and woman couples for misbehaving in a public place, beat them up and curse them till either the police intervene and take them away or the group (moral police) have had enough fun for the day.

When the law is repealed, the same park, same people. The group naturally suspects the man and woman couples.
  • But the couple say that they should not harass only them since the 2 guys sitting in the next bench could be homosexuals since they are sitting as close as this couple are. So the moral police has to act against them too.

  • The guys in the bench say that the 3 women sitting in the next bench could be homosexuals and the group has to harass them too.

  • The women in the next bench get upset and ask the moral police to prove that they are not a group of homosexuals since they have all come together into the park.

Did anybody think of the gravity of this problem before thinking of repealing this section. We are creating a circular reference problem here just by correcting a law for the common good of people. Even the policemen cannot come together and harass a couple (man-woman or man-man or woman-woman) since if the policemen come together they have to prove that they are not a couple who came to the park to misbehave.

Gosh! I can keep writing on the impact of removing this article, on the entire society. It is natural in India for friends to put hands around the shoulders and talk. Women to hold each others hands and talk. Now all these have to be eyed with suspicion by the moral police and police. Maintaining Indian culture anywhere in public will be very difficult and now, the tables turn to the moral police to prove themselves innocent too.

Boy, oh boy!!! what are we getting ourselves in to?. Should we really eradicate AIDS by creating such a difficulty to all the guardian angels of the country's cultural values. Well, I guess some smart person in the moral police would have the answer. Any thoughts, anybody?

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Real Madness!!!

Today, the name of my blog site made a very uneasy sense to me. I named the blog site thinking i am crazy but it is more than that. The entire world is so darn crazy!!!

So, i go in to office on Friday afternoon after lunching with some friends. I had heard some rumour that there had been bomb blasts in Bangalore. Once i get in to office, i come to know that there have been 5 explosions around Bangalore and 2 of them in less than 3 kms radius from my office. The first thing that was said was "Man, where do they get these the petty shop outside??". There were jokes flying in the air and little bit of tension.

It made me feel very uneasy that instead of shock and panic, there was little fear and jokes flying around about the bomb blasts. The only reason is that we hear about so many of them every day that we have come to accept these as a normal occurrence. We have come to accept all of these madness!!!

The other thought that struck me
1) What is that these guys who plant these bombs hope to achieve?
2) What do these politicians and public (police/intelligence) achieve by being lax in their anti-terroris operations.

Do these people even know that all that they are doing is putting an end to this planet called earth? Do they even understand that their actions affect their own families which they dont seem to stop producing. We are killing planet earth in so many different ways everyday. Why do we need bombs and wars? To end the world faster. One tsunami and one earth quake killed thousands of people in a few minutes. As if that is not enough, these guys go around throwing bombs. Does any of these officials/politicians understand that these idiots who run around with bombs are going to kill their own families soon and they have to take an action to control these idiots soon?

Do such questions every get into the minds of the guys who run around with bombs or run the country? I wonder if i am too dumb and i am the only one asking such questions. Can i do something to put some sense in to the heads of any of these guys??

Hmmm.....may be i will write another blog when the whole country is dying in bomb blasts!...By gosh, this is darn real madness!!! I am sure we will succeed in putting an end to this planet soon and then, PEACE WILL PREVAIL!!!