Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Insha Allah

I am in Dubai on work now. I had a conversation with one of our vendors regarding some work that he had to help me finish. Just to give the readers (if in the unlikely scenario of someone reading my blog) the context, there was a part of my work that depended on he completing his part. So, the conversation was simply about when he would be able to come and complete the work.

Literally in every sentence he spoke, he goes like "Insha Allah, i would be able to do this", "Insha Allah, i would be able to come there tomorrow". It is not just this gentleman but also a few other people who I spoke to spoke the same way. Two things stuck me on this, one on a serious note and the other a funny part.

Let me write the funny part first. Btw, if you are a Muslim and you are reading this blog, let me first assure you I am NOT making fun of the religion nor am I making fun of Allah-The God.

So, here goes the funny part. If someone was incompetent at work but always said "Insha Allah, i will be able to do it"; I wonder if the person would be blamed for his incompetence and removed from his job or would that be, Allah did not so desire and hence the work was not done. I would probably say "Insha Allah, you are fired" and close the story.

On a serious note, it was amazing to see how he believes in that supreme power. If not for HIM, nothing would happen. If HE so desires everything would happen. The consistent stress on the fact that anything he does is because Allah makes him do it. I am simply amazed by the belief these people have in God and their respect to God. Awesome, truly awesome.


S! said...

I've seen this in Bangalore too. The Pakistani cricket team does this. The threads of Islam run deep...

Reflections said...

hehe...I enjoyed this. Yes 'Insha Allah' a way of life here. And its just not the muslims who say it, even the others end up saying it automatically(ie after they reside here for a few years). Another word we use is 'khalli-walli' which can mean 'i dont care, just dont bother, oh take a hike, whtever':-D